House of Cards: Chapter 73 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 8
An absolute trainwreck of a finale.
4 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Robin Wright hasn't been the same this season, and again in this episode her acting is off. But it doesn't stop there. Sadly everyone's acting is off too.

The lines felt forced, no doubt because the actors knew how stupid they sounded, and the storyline is completed contrived. There were too many forced plot lines going on, along with multiple storylines that were just completely abandoned this season, giving us zero closure about them. Even Lost closed more storylines than this finale.

Storyline wise, who the hell thought we'd give a toss about the Shepherds. What are they doing in the show? I don't even remember their first names off the top of my head. They were completely unnecessary in this season. Look I get it, they were obviously supposed to be Frank and his mistress in the original but you can't just rename them as their plot obviously now doesn't make any sense. It would have been better to replace Spacey with another actor, preferable Christopher Plummer instead of dealing with ghost of Francis.

And which genius decided that Doug would have murdered Francis. It's like the writers just chose to completely ignore everything we've seen about Doug. There's a 0% chance he would have murdered Francis. This completely ruined the Doug character. If I had to power to at least save the final scene I would have changed it to Doug having pulled out the letter opener, whilst laying on the ground, and sticking it into Claire's neck, with the final shot being Claire bleeding out, whilst holding onto Francis' ring. At least that way everything would have been cleaned up and we could see that things were going to return to normal, with the Underwoods finally gone and their storyline ended.

This season was nothing short of being a full on soap opera, with all the ludicrous tropes that go with it; why the hell did they write in that nukes rubbish! Honestly I'd have rather they just had cancelled the show than air this tripe. The house of cards did well and truly collapse.
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