El Cuerpo del Deseo (2005– )
Muy Muy Bien!
11 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This very entertaining telenovela embraces nearly every soap opera cliche, and the result, by far, exceeded my expectations. It takes preposterous stories and makes them work on a level only an ensemble of very talented storytellers can do. Instead of laughing, the viewer is drawn into the fabulous world of Pedro José Donoso as if being welcomed as a part of the family.

The lead actors, the late Lorena Rojas and Mario Cimarro are amazingly beautiful, and brought over the top characters to life in a manner that keeps the viewer glued to the screen. I was not familiar with either before watching, and they are very talented.

The other characters are also deliciously over the top. It was like reading a gossipy novel that delivers more excitement than it appears to promise it will provide. They include scheming relatives, a devious butler, household staff full of wit, a singing fortune teller, a scheming lover, a simple yet tragic mother trying to understand the incomprehensible.

A few episodes concentrated on what appears to be slapstick comedy. Sometimes they were a bit much, but that is really the biggest critique I have about this show.

High drama was plentiful, and it was like having your favorite dessert made especially for you.

Being made prior to the smartphone era, it aged very well.

The story begins with Señor Donoso marrying the a much younger and very duplicitous Isabel Arroyo. He loves her dearly, and she returns his love by scheming against him with her young lover.

When Señor Donoso suddenly dies, we are taken to the location of a young and strong man who drops dead, for no explained reason. Donoso, not wanting to give up, somehow takes the younger man's body and makes it his own. This definitely requires suspension of belief, but do it. It's worth it.

When Donoso returns, he learns his wife was never faithful. She and Andres Corona have been plotting to steal his fortune.

Donoso, takes on the persona of Salvador Cierenza, and reclaims access to his former home, not as patriarch but as the chauffeur. It would be difficult to argue why Isabel would not be attracted to Salvador.

As they soon find themselves in a love affair, there are back and forth mind games. Isabel makes some really bad choices which lead to more irresistible drama.

Supporting characters also have plentiful storylines. There is romance, insane obsession, yearning, plotting against each other, and time for memorable moments of the fortune teller, Gaetana, singing.

What makes the over the top characters work so well is that none are drawn as perfectly good or perfectly evil. They are imperfect people placed in extraordinary circumstances.

The exception would be Cantalicia and Mocho, Salvador's family, before his body was inhabited by Donoso. Cantalicia is also over the top, but endearing. She is experiencing tremendous heartbreak.

I want to discuss more about Lorena Rojas. She made Isabel a true soap opera diva. She commands attention in her scenes. At times she is shocking. At other times she is loving, and she is at her best when she is scheming to quench her desire. Her beauty is other worldly. She also sang the theme song for the show. This immense beauty can only be achieved by a person who has a beautiful soul in real life.

As the story twists and turns, there are surprises along the way. As characters begin to realize Salvador's true identity some will have a second chance to express their love and adoration to a good man. Some will have an opportunity to heal old wounds, and some will be confronted about unscrupulous actions.

To the producers, cast, and crew, I send thanks. Watching was a treat. I decided to watch because I'm trying to learn Spanish, and I'm leaving a fan.

Gracias, mi amigos.
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