An exercise in frustration.
12 November 2018
I will keep this spoiler free (not that it really matters):

The writing for this film is frustrating beyond words. Characters behave in the most illogical ways to the point that they couldn't actually get any dumber.

It is rare that a film is so bad that I actually feel compelled to write about it but this one reaches such levels of unrealistic that I just had to submit this.

Now don't get me wrong, I do occasionally love some bad b-movies, but most of them know they are schlock and embrace it. This film actually thinks it is smart and has an important message but that is far, far from the truth.

The film has writing that made me cringe multiple times and it made me want to scream in frustration at how stupid the characters were. Speaking of which, the "characters" are all cookie cutter stereotypes of the sorts of people that don't actually exist in real life, only in the imagination of someone who has a warped sense of reality.

Can I think of something positive to say about the film? Well, the premise is interesting, the actress playing Anji wasn't bad and the father was intimidating during a couple moments despite his writing being so insanely stupid you may require heart medication after viewing. The effects weren't bad either for the most part so there is that.

That this film could receive so many positive reviews leaves me baffled. But then again, perhaps some critics are into intellectual masochism and enjoy the movie a different way.

What happened to the art of film-making?? Do todays film-makers not understand that a well written script is the bedrock that the rest of the film is built upon? You can have a shoestring budget, inexperienced actors, cheap cameras, poor SFX etc but still make a great film just so long as the writing is done well.

Writing needs to be coherant, consistent and at least semi-realistic, because if you fail to make characters feel and behave like real people the audience will not be able to suspend disbelief or grow attached to them. If we do not get absorbed into a story or empathise/relate to the characters we will not care at all about what happens to them during the film. That is the mistake this film made.

This "film" will definitely be of great value in the education of how NOT to write screenplays.

1/10 (that is an honest rating from me, no exaggeration)
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