Time Freak (2018)
Time Freak: Better than you'd imagine
16 November 2018
Reading the concept I was struck by two things. First the philisophical and moral implications of what our antagonist does and secondly just how incredibly creepy the whole thing is.

Quickly the movie further descends into creepiness but it really does make you think.

What I liked about Time Freak is that it doesn't gloss over how questionable the whole thing is, it embraces it and the last third of the movie heavily puts a spotlight on it.

It tells the story of a young man who builds a time machine after his girlfriend leaves him to go back and fix things. You see what I mean about morals vs creepiness?

Starring Sophie "Sansa" Turner it plays out like a generic Hollywood romantic comedy but with this twist. By the end it's fairly hard hitting, thought provoking and certainly got my heart aflutter (But if anyone asks I will so totally deny it)

The awfully titled Time Freak is funny, heartfelt and is one of those film concepts I'll be thinking about for a longtime to come.

Despite the questionable ethics it's a really fun little movie.

The Good:

Sophie Turner

Very original concept

Well woven little tale

The Bad:

The concept is creepier the more you think about it

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Sophie Turner cannot sing

Donkey punch has been demoted to donkey slap

Jason Hervey has been reborn as Skyler Gisondo
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