Acolytes (2008)
Acolytes: Almost good
23 November 2018
Acolytes is an Australian thriller, labelled an "Ozploitation" flick I'm still not 100% clear on what an exploitation flick truly is.

It tells the story of a group of friends who blackmail a serial killer. Of course what could possibly go wrong there? It pretty much writes itself.

The movie isn't bad, it just feels a tad disjointed and when the credits rolled there were still a couple of rather important plot points that hadn't been fully addressed and that's really rather frustrating.

Starring Joel Edgerton in a career best performance as our antagonist this neat little thriller looks and sounds the part so it saddens me to say it didn't even remotely meet its potential.

Perfectly watchable stuff but it just missed the mark a tad. I'm left feeling like if the film had an additional 30 minutes it could have been something special but this finished product feels like a book with a couple of chapters ripped out.

Credit to all involved including the young cast, but it just didn't tick all the boxes for me.

The Good:

Decent soundtrack

Hanna Mangan Lawrence and Joel Edgerton

The Bad:

Couple of unanswered questions

Feels disjointed in places

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

The death of his wife clearly pushed Ned Flanders over the edge

Australian teens are naturally more obnoxious than any other nationality!
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