The Week Of (2018)
The Week Of: As funny as a rectal exam
17 January 2019
For years I keep hearing people saying that Adam Sandler has lost his touch and is just making wall to wall bad movies but I've never gotten onboard with that. Well, I'm starting to agree.

Adam Sandler leads, writes and produces yet another Netflix original and not discussing my opinions on the others I'll simply say this is the worst (Even the Ridiculous Six is better).

It tells the story of two families who come together for an upcoming wedding. Two fathers (Sandler & Rock) from very different backgrounds and the insistence of one to pay for the whole affair.

Hilarity ensues right? right? right? It's like My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) essentially, but Sandler forgot that it was meant to be a comedy and despite the comedy cast (Including Steve Buscemi) the movie is oddly devoid of laughs. Not only do they barely try but about 2/3 of the jokes simply aren't funny. It's that intentionally awkward humor type that I find as funny as a rectal exam.

It has a few laughs and it has it's heartfelt moments but ultimately it fails in it's attempts to entertain on almost every front. It's not funny, it's not likeable, it's over 90 minutes of frustration and wasted talent.

Being a veteran of the industry Sandler should have gotten a handle on what works and what doesn't, I'm starting to think that he hasn't lost it...........he just doesn't care anymore.

The Good:

Great cast

Has its moments

The Bad:

Just not funny

Cringe inducing in places
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