Profiler: Train Man (2000)
Season 4, Episode 8
Horrible Story Line warrants very little
24 March 2019
I am not prone to review writing and story lines. But the degrading aspect of the characters depicted and their motivations was at first alarming and then truly despicable. I ask myself, why would a nation under racial turmoil produce such an unredeeming plot. It belittles racial stereotypes and genres of racial stereotypes to the point of casting a wholly negative light upon the vicissitudes of those who exist "between" races by depicting them as murderous and unworthy.

Although I found the episode compelling, the conclusion was shallow, harsh and unsympathetic to the plight of those who live in our world who do not fit in our woefully prescribed pigeon holes.

I summarily reject this episode's premise, development and it's conclusion.
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