Great horror shooter
18 April 2019
I got this game by a friend lending it to me for 2 weeks. I still have it. So basically he forgot about it and I've kept it since and I gotta say I don't feel guilty taking this great game from him.

Let's talk about the story. It's not that bad, and while I won't spoil it for you, it can be pretty creepy and really interesting.

In terms of graphics this game excels at it pretty well. The textures are top notch, the animation is fluent and smooth, and the lighting is ultra realistic and plays into the gameplay.

The sound is pretty good too, with realistic sound affects. Music is very ambient and atmospheric, and fits the tone of the game.

The gameplay is really good, with a couple of puzzles and some really scary segments that serve as the story segments as well. Gunplay is fun and satisfying and the gore makes it more satisfying too. Remember when I said that lighting played a role in the gameplay? Yeah it does in the way that if you see an enemy shadow then it's there.

I only have a few issues with this game, but they are small and not game breaking by any standards. For one, the flashlight goes out pretty fast and it's annoying to have to keep flicking it on. And second, some areas of the game are pretty long, like the office. Third, some places look awful, especially the ones without lighting.

So should you get this game? Yeah, it's a great game, and it's really cheap on gog. Check it out.
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