Good Knight
23 April 2019
There were a couple of huge moments, but they were underplayed to keep the tone of this whole episode consistent. A tone of quiet meditation and reflection in the face of coming terrors.

It was the quietest and softest moments that were the highlights of this episode and perhaps even the whole series. The scene where our heroes gather around the fire being my personal favourite, especially the moments between Brianne and Jamie, which made my eyes very wet.

It's a shame to see 0/10 scores and bad reviews from people who just want PS4 cut-scenes and nothing else. Game Of Thrones has always been as much about the quiet, intimate conversations between characters as it has been about the big battles. People forget that Season 1 didn't even have an on-screen battle, but it was upon the strength of that season that we got 7 more!

I'm sure epsiode 3 will be riveting, but this episode encapsulates the soul of GOT and without that, the show is nothing.
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