Completely forgettable! Don't waste an hour of your life on this one.
23 April 2019
Completely forgettable! Don't waste an hour of your life on this one. The 'plot' might have been good (That's why I give it a 1 star instead of a 0) if everything else was totally different. The women were NOTHING like the cover picture. Ugly & fat is being kind. Sharks ~ There were a few canned shoots of different full sized sharks. Anytime a shark was shot near people it was a 2' long baby shark that was more afraid than the actors. The aquatic tiki god was a no-show for the better part. It's part in the story is only barely established. The plot was about a 'bad' brother who gets into trouble and goes to his 'good' brother to bail him out of the situation. They escape one island in the 'good' brother's boat but it hits a reef. They are stranded on an island run by 'The Company' (Good socialist economic and class warfare propaganda) that puts the females-only inhabitants on the island in peril diving for pearls in shark infested waters. The brothers decide that they must flee the island before the police arrive. The 'bad' brother steals the pearls and 'angers' the tiki god. In the end the 'bad' brother dies at the hands (teeth?!?) of the shark & the 'good' brother escapes the island with one of the divers...
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