Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Ignore The Haters, It's Not That Bad
7 May 2019
Not The Show's finest hour, but nowhere near as bad as people are saying on here. Clearly there is an organised campaign to vote this episode down because things aren't playing out the way they wanted it to. It's The Last Jedi scenario all over.

Yes, there are flaws. There have been flaws in previous seasons, even going back to season 1. But this episode had merits. The banter between Tyrion and other characters was on top form. I still love Tyrion as much as I did since season 1.

One crucial and subtle thing people have missed is how Jon Snow has proved he is truly Ned Stark's son, not biologically, but in his determination to be honourable. He still insists on telling the truth, despite how dangerous it is, and how that attitude is what got Ned killed.

Other highlights were, The Hound and Arya back together, Tormund drunk, Jamie and Brienne and the shocking events at sea. Honestly, it really doesn't deserve the low score. BUT - the legacy of this show now does rest on the last two episodes. They both need to be 10/10
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