Review of Overview

The OA: Overview (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Did the freshest, cleverest show on Netflix just cop out?
8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I am a fan, I LOVE this show and all Brit Marling related stuff, and I really enjoyed this season just as much as the first.

It went in very interesting directions and they sustained the sense of mystery and intrigue all the way through. I've voted 9s and 10s for previous episodes.

It all seemed like plot threads were finally set to converge in a wonderful season final climax.

So I was filled with dread in the final moments where it seemed like they were going to employ the lazy writer's most over-used tool. The "Oh, it was all just a dream" tool. The plot device everyone uses when they can't think of a way to end something.

Ok, so in this case, it's not a dream, it's a movie set, and the characters are just actors, much like Dorothy's family in Wizard Of Oz. And perhaps all the events of the whole show just took place inside Nina's unconscious mind after her head injury.

I'm guessing they've left it ambiguous in case season 3 is green-lit, but if this is the last ever episode, then it looks very much like Nina/Prairie is just an actress who fell out the round window, knocked herself out and dreamed the events of the series. If that's the case, it's a massive disappointment.
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