Lupino Genius - Hitchhiker
12 May 2019
Ida Lupino was a very good actress, but she was even a better director and movie executive. She really understood all the elements of film and film noir and put them into this masterpiece made for chump change. The twenty best films of the 21st century that feature suspense and tension (Speed and others), cannot come close to this film. Edmond O'Brien and Frank Lovejoy give outstanding performances; with Lovejoy doing his best work ever in this film. The real star of the film, however, is the underrated actor William Talman, in the best work of his career (and one that deserved an Oscar nomination) as the psycho killer. It was a shame that Hollywood at this time considered this genre subpar and not worthy of Academy Awards, when in fact, several mediocre films received much higher praise (like the sappy The Greatest Show On Earth and the corny An American in Paris). This is a perfect film for a film professor of Cinema 101 to use as an example of how to create suspense and hold it for an hour. How to keep tension for an hour is not an easy feat to achieve, and it is seldom found in the vast majority of films. But Lupino did it; not just once, but several times after this great effort. A film not to be missed by any serious film buff.
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