Location of boxcar in Lake Michigan
23 May 2019
I realize the searchers would not want lots of people at the site of the sunken boxcar. It was off a lighthouse near Frankfort, MI. There are several lighthouses, some are restored and look nice - a real treasure. Here are some: Big Sable, Robert Manning Memorial, Frankfort, and Point Betsie. I looked at a boat chart for that area - the water drops off to 200 feet, then to 600 feet going West. So I would like to know what the depth is at the boxcar wreck. OK, that gives away the location. I really was wondering how difficult the dive is. It seemed they were making extra efforts, like having a certified dive master on the boat. So it does seem to be close to 100 feet down, or more. The chart says 558 feet nearby. I got a Basic certification in 1972 and they now have Advanced. Every time I went diving I got pressured to take the advanced course. The problems get worse by the second or third dive because the nitrogen gas (it's in the air) does not all leave your blood right away. So I am not an expert but I understand the issues. I never bashed my head against the dive platform while jumping in. At least there are no sharks. The reefs in the ocean are a real challenge - creatures, coral that is like little jelly fish (polyps), currents. But I did not realize that a fresh water lake will get big waves quickly because the water is less dense than salt water. So a 30 knot wind makes bigger and quicker waves in the lake than in the ocean. Like the Witch of November. The other question -- the modern scuba gear was not around in 1865. If gold was dumped in the lake then, how was it going to be recovered? The Spanish used large cones (pointy end up) to dive- the pressure would be equalized just right. But that was good for the ships near the reefs. Maybe there were those heavy dive suits with the big helmets and pressurized air from the surface.
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