As expected
29 May 2019
This third installment of the John Wick trilogy follows the same recipe for success of its predecessors, having great actors, action galore and a good plot. As you might expect, the action part is the one that counts, featuring countless fights, shooting and spectacular moves which makes it a delight to watch, if you're into this type of movies like I am. The main characters do their job very well, helped of course by the plot which is good, and keep the viewer interested the entire time. It's not predictable, it's not boring and it's not without a couple of twists to spice things up from time to time.

To point out some less awesome aspects of this film, I have to remark the exaggerations in the overall combat scenes. I know it's based on exaggerations but this time it feels they've gone a bit too far with them. It isn't something that can bother but their there to be found if you pay close attention. Another aspect might be the plot itself. As I said before, it's good and it does its job well, but I felt that it could have had a bit more substance, which would have brought it closer to the first movie's.

Overall, I can say that I found what I was looking for. A great action movie which delivers plenty of drama and suspense, impresses with its fighting and shooting sequences thanks to some remarkable scenes but also thanks to some great actors who've done their job once again very well in making it all a great watch.
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