Review of Scar

Scar (2007)
31 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Joan Burrows (Angela Bettis looking like a roughed up version of Christina Ricci) returns to her home town of Ovid for a reunion with family. She is haunted by past memories (and a facial scar), about a weird slasher named Bishop (Ben Cotton) who killed her friend as well as giving her a scar. The flashbacks are used to make comparisons with Bishop, the killer, and somewhat creepy kid named Paul (Devon Graye) who is a friend of her niece Olympia (Kirby Bliss Blanton). Paul's dad (James D. Hopkin) is a bit of a psycho from being in Iraq.

Meanwhile teens have a graduation party. Drinking, pot smoking, and a girl(thank you Kristin Kowalski) who strips down to her panties and says, "Howard! Come here and take my virginity. I'm not graduating with it!" As in any good teen slasher movie, kids by the lake who want to have sex... The body count rises, but we don't get to see the killer, nor the kids being tortured. Instead we get flashbacks to the Burrows/Bishop torture. Don't worry, if you missed Joan Burrows getting her face cut, they show it again. The theme of the murders is "would you kill a friend to save yourself." However the movie rarely delves into that theme, rather it just shows us dead bodies.

The film culminates in a far too predictable poorly written ending.
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