Title describes the movie pretty well. Asides the "un" part.
3 July 2019
My god this movie is awful.

Even if you like dumb movies that pour on low brow humour, gore and gozongas, this doesn't deliver in any of those categories.

There's one memorable or even particularly likable character who's who personality is pretending he knows how to get laid. We also have an annoying guy who's still hung up on his stuck up ex girlfriend he is staying with them for stupid reasons.

It's cartoon villain does't help much and the fact that they are aware of a "zombie" outbreak sort of kills any chance for growing dread.

It's barely a comedy, it's slow, lazy, generic and expects you to root for two characters with the charm of an old potato between them to get back together.

There's barely any fansevice either do don't watch for that like I did.

The worst aspects of the movie can't really be said without spoilers but it uses before seen gags, bad pacing and more than one big middle finger to its audience before the runtime is up.

My one out of 10 goes to the couple of actors that seem to have at least tried to bring it.
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