24: Day 2: 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. (2003)
Season 2, Episode 24
Season Two
4 July 2019
Usually, I judge the success of any televised drama by its ability to reinvent itself from season to season. Too much of the same will lead to stagnation, while too much change will actually alienate loyal viewers. 24, however, is a completely new breed of show and thus does not adhere to the typical critiques of TV drama.

Essentially, the second season of 24 follows the same parameters as the first. Over the course of a single day, CTU (Counter-Terrorism Unit) agent Jack Bauer must get himself (and the nation) out of a crisis...this time when a nuclear bomb is set to detonate in Los Angeles and could prompt World War 3 if the plot succeeds. Of course, besides Bauer, a host of other characters (Kim Bauer, Tony Almeida, George Mason, etc.) round out the cast. The twists and turns are just as mind-blowing as the first go-round, yet it never seems to get old due to the great acting and straight-forward plot devices (every episode ends with a new huge twist).

The biggest reason the Season Two succeeds, though, is that much more time is devoted to the character of Jack Bauer, who really is the fulcrum of the show. The episodes in which the raging, frenetic Jack takes center stage will have you on the edge of your seat and literally cheering out loud! Whereas in the first half of the first season Bauer was little more than a concerned parent, this entire season sees him wriggling his way out of tight spot after tight spot...MacGyver has nothing on Jack Bauer. I never thought I would find an actor who brings more intensity to his role than Matthew Fox gives to Jack Shepard on LOST, but Kiefer Sutherland's Jack Bauer eclipses him.

So, if you were intrigued (or completely thrilled!) by the first season of 24, this second season will not let you down. Between the plot twists, the intensity of Bauer, and the surprising return or demise of a few old "friends", this season again will have you watching episode after episode deep into the night.
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