Masked Rider (1995–1996)
Masked Rider gains a little milage
8 July 2019
This is another vehicle in Saban's Super Sentai roster and it's one I feel has ridden under the radar. I have heard of the Karmen Rider franchise and was excited when it was finally riding into the states. Once I saw this show, I'll admit my feelings about the show we're sort of mixed, not to say I didn't like it I did, it's just this presentation of Karmen Rider wasn't quite what I had in mind.

The plotline is good if not totally unique, here it's something a little different once more sort of Power Rangers doing "Starman" (well kind of), having an alien come down to Earth to defend us against an evil alien threat that threatens us while learning to live among us. The show is somewhat formatted in the sitcomish format which may put off some Super Sentai fans, I'll admit seeing a Super Sentai show in this format did seem out of place. But if you give the show time it does sink in and it sort of works, as here it goes for a more lighthearted tone.

The music is decent if not the most memorable which is one of the bugs (no pun intended) in the shows system, though that theme song is actually a decent listen as it has a heroic tune which fits.

Characters are pretty good like the supporting characters the stepbrother and sister. Both have good personas from the energetic enthusiastic little brother and the older sister that is a little more down to earth, though the only disappointment in the show is both don't have enough to really do in the show. I personally thought somewhere along the line both would have armor of their own but sadly that never happened. This other girl whom is kind of hot whom served as a bit of a comic relief as she was a person on the shallow side seeking a quick track to popularity which always of course fell flat in the end, though there is a little growth in her character latter on as she does learn to pursue something bigger mainly life itself. Even like that Dax and she became a couple somewhere along the line.

The parents are solid they're a likable mom and dad that are down to earth people but have their quarks mainly the dad the most. I really like the family unit which was unique before it now has become common place as we see the family unit is multi-racial which I thought was interesting showing what the concept family is really about that it's really a collection of individuals that care for one another.

But most importantly Karmen Rider himself Dax played by T.J. Roberts is a solid protagonist, he's likeable despite highly intelligent he is inexperienced with our world and its customs, which makes sense as he is an alien after all. I like that we see some character development with this character which at the time for most super sentai wasn't common place, but I always like that because it really makes the character feel human which makes them a bit more interesting and reminds us these are people that can live and die.

The villains are decent, like Count Dregon whom looks like Destro from "G.I. Joe" is the typical vain take over the world type but nothing wrong with that as he has colorful schemes which of course most of the time get foiled by Dax/Karmen Rider. Really like the designs of the alien monsters whom are mainly based on insects which are cool though for people that aren't insect fans it would come off kind of creepy.

Of course, like in all the Super Sentai shows we're in it for the action and it's got some good action. I really like the Karman Rider power suit which is cool looking as it sort of look like a Grasshopper but on the pleasant side, I wanted a suit like that. Even the weapons are cool like his cane sword which powers up to create a power blast or to apply the finishing move.

However, it's the vehicles he rides that are really cool from that red car but my favorite which is the bike, they each have unique weapons and abilities and both have an A.I. much like K.I.T.T. from "Knight Rider" but that's a different story. The action is a little different because it's a mix of both martial arts action and vehicular action.

The martial arts choreography is very good from Karmen Rider's battle sequence to even Dax dally battle with the insectoids sicked on him. T.J. Roberts of course is a martial artist and it was cook in those sequences seeing some of his skill come into play, it's too bad he never got to be an action star.

However, this insect in flight does run into a bit of turbulence. Some bits of humor I'll admit I found kind of lame even by kid and sitcom standards, there are some jokes which I cringe more than laugh but that's just how it with humor sometimes there are hits and misses. But also, the show at times feels like the show takes its eyes off the road a little where it sometimes feels uneven like it can't decide whether it's a family sitcom or Super Sentai. This is a little quibble but didn't care for Ferbis, it's was one of those take it or leave it characters, is sort of useful as it's used as a way of contacting his home planet though with Dax's telepathic powers it's shouldn't be necessary, by it's nature the creature was really just a gimmick just to fill empty space.

Overall, the show is good for what it is, as I said before it's one of my least favorite entries in Saban's Super Sentai roster and it's one of those mixed bag kind of TV shows. But I still had fun with it for what it is, though it is one of those shows you may want to watch only when your in the right mood. If you're a fan of the Super Sentai shows from Saban, it's at least worth a test drive.

Rating: 3 stars
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