Crap absolute crap
15 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is make believe I know but none of the story plays out at like it would if this was real. This ripped off two plot points from two actual movie the musical tone from Close Encounters and with it being monster inside monster from Alien/Predator and the only moment that made this is the strange and I'm guessing unintended officer and a gentleman moment. You will recognize a few in the cast but no doubt destroyed the careers of the lead actors. I very much enjoy parody's this was garbage especially the end. This is a curiosity only because two children grew to be pretty famous one an actor Paul Walker from fast and furious and Fergie from Black Eyed Peas and a horrible rendition of the National Anthem at 2018 NBA all star game. If you enjoy this great I'm happy you can I wish I could but could not buy this on any level if you can great.
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