This would probably still scare me. Even today!
24 August 2019
I'm writing this review 60 years after I first watched this with my parents as an 11 year old boy. This program had a powerful effect on my young mind. I never forgot how it made me feel. The details have become fuzzy over the years. Basically, a family with young children moves into a home and sets up a household. At first they didn't notice what was going on because it seemed like accidents or coincidences. But soon it became impossible to not notice that objects around the house were falling to floor and or flying across the room. At first they tried to explain it with rational ideas about what might be going on. But it rapidly moved to large objects being upended. Making all common sense explanations impossible. In one case I remember very well a bookcase wedged tightly between the foot of a bed and the wall turning over. The situation rapidly moved toward chaos. And this is where my memory fails me. And perhaps that's a good thing. I won't be able to spoil it for you. Here in August of 2019, I can't find a copy of this program. I think the Armstrong Circle Theater was performed live, making it possible the old kinescope of this episode is lost. I hope not, if you can find a copy, watch it. And see if you agree with me that it's a well done (for the time) piece of work. And I'm guessing will stand the test of time. Enjoy!
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