So-so entry into the "Black Emanuelle" rip-off franchise
25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals" reveals itself to be a nasty little sexploitation shocker almost immediately when we see a half-naked nurse running into a hospital waiting room with a truly horrific injury on her bare breast. I could hardly watch the screen. The titular Emmanuelle... oops, I mean "Emanuelle", this is Laura Gemser, not Sylvia Kristel... as always is undercover as a photojournalist, here using a doll with a secret camera inside. She goes into the nurse's room and we see a patient chowing down on the chomped off breast.

Emanuelle is never far away from the scoop of the century, is she? When the woman is strait-jacketed, our girl Manny (Many?) sneaks into her room and sexually molests her, lifting her hospital gown and groping her genital region. She is next seen showing photos of the bottomless woman to her editor, drawing his attention to "marks on her pubic region", which Many may have just left herself for all we know.

So. Stripping a helpless mentally unstable woman, groping her "pubic region", and taking photos of her naked without her consent to show to an editor. Many isn't much of a feminist in this one, is she?

Many soon teams up with a handsome anthropologist and you know we're jungle bound... but perhaps not before they have a roll in the hay. But first they wander the city with bizarre vocal music on the soundtrack.

Gemser asks Lester the anthropologist to take her to the jungle to investigate cannibals, but first he shows her some dodgy silent footage of black people decapitating women and cutting some guy's joint off. I guess you have to hand it to D'Amato - he made a cannibal movie featuring a penectomy before "Cannibal Holocaust". And there you were thinking he was just a rip-off merchant. What a trailblazer.

Many doesn't seem too shocked by it. But then she does go around raping mentally ill women - provided they're strait-jacketed and can't stop her. This kind of thing would probably be relaxing weekend viewing for her.

Surprisingly, the movie doesn't show sex between Lester and Many. Almost right after the cannibal porn tape they watch (surprised it didn't get them in the mood) she's off to the jungle. This story is just too important for the paper. (Despite being kind of un-newsworthy)

Many is stringing along some other guy who wants to go away with her, but she has other plans. They have sex underneath what looks like the Manhattan Bridge. After all, this is a rip-off of the series of films that introduced the Mile High Club to a wide audience, so you can't expect them to do it in a boring place.

Actually, scratch that - she's next seen having sex in a hotel room with the professor guy. They have apparently touched down in the Amazon, without too much fanfare I might add. Emanuelle meets a young woman - who is surprisingly nothing much to look at - and a plain faced nun in the Amazon and has a miscellaneous chat about the lost tribe of cannibals or whatever, but this is just a distraction for another sex scene, which the average looking young woman spies on and masturbates while watching. She doesn't wear any underwear.

Joe D'Amato - or as he is credited elsewhere in the same movie, Aristede Massaccessi - is actually a more than capable soft-core director. The sex scenes are surprisingly tasteful and erotic. I wish he had just stuck to straight soft porn and left out the penis lopping and boob biting.

When they touch down near the Amazon River, D'Amato cuts immediately to Gemser and the young woman both nude and washing each other in the stream. These scenes are intercut with shots of a smoking chimp. I'm not joking. She also encounters some alligators and a huge snake - which tries to strangle her! It's shot by a random Indiana Jones type guy.

They make camp and we get ominous POV shots of people spying on the bizarre contingent with spooky music.

At least there's another woman in the group, who I don't believe we were introduced to, but she is better looking than the young one. She gets naked under her mosquito net and masturbates while watching a bare-chested black man outside. She is then shown apparently giving him a blowjob, which segues into rough outdoor sex, I guess because he's black, so the sex has to be rough and outdoors (this was a long time before political correctness, or even before anybody cared about racist stereotypes outside of black panther meetings).

She's in a relationship with another guy who also wasn't really introduced to us. He gets possessive and jealous.

They find a dead body, killed by the "Apiaca", supposed lost cannibal tribe, who also have taken their boat.

And then the plain faced young woman sinks into some quick sand, but is rescued.

The guys start fighting when one of them is caught trying to molest the quicksand victim.

The cannibals catch up with them eventually and some brown-haired lady I don't remember seeing before is tied to a tree, stripped naked, and has one of her nipples cut off. She then gets stabbed through the heart and the bowl-headed cannibals go to town like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Later, Many and her pals find some pretty unconvincing heads on a stick. This doesn't prevent the jealous husband from having sex with his wife. Of course, this is interrupted by some cannibals who are apparently only interested in the women - they leave the guy.

Many and some guy - I forget if he's the professor or the Indiana Jones guy - luckily find a boat, but also discover where the cannibals are keeping the adulterous woman in a wooden cage, while doing a ritual, running in circles around her. Many still has her camera, so she gets a few snaps. The plain faced blonde lady from before is discovered by the cannibals and overwhelmed. Many doesn't seem too concerned.

Apparently they catch the jealous husband as well. The wife gets disemboweled from the pubic hair upwards. The husband gets cut in half. The young woman from before is stripped naked, apparently not to be eaten - at least not yet - but to be raped repeatedly by the circle of cannibals, one after the other.

Gemser gets naked again and paints a tribal symbol on her stomach. She has a ridiculous plan involving tricking the cannibals into thinking she's the goddess of the river, or something. Of course it works, they get on the boat, and it's over.

There's not much to recommend "Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals" for. If you're looking for gore, it's surprisingly skimpy on that for a cannibal flick, though there are a few nasty moments. For sex/nudity, of course it has that, but the women getting naked weren't all that hot if you ask me. It was actually pretty boring.
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