Review of Eraser

Eraser (1996)
Schwarzenegger Kicking Ass, Looking Cool, And Bringing The Fun...
30 August 2019
Arnold Schwarzenegger doing what he does best... Kicking ass and looking cool doing it.

Ever since I saw him in Conan I was a fan. This guy wasn't just muscles but he could act. Unfortunately, he got locked into the stereotypical hero-guise that everybody loved him for. Eraser is a good example of this, even though it's not his best acting role.

The three-word catch-phrase for this film is "You've been erased...", not too original but, as always, he sells it - and you will be saying it.

The big bonus to this film, however, is the cast, which is as top-notch as they come. Arnie in the lead role, John Kruger, is forever cool, unfazed, and pretty much unstoppable. It's this invincibility that teeters the film on the edge of silliness. However, because of Arnie's character your sort of forgive the writers and director their crazy antics. Vanessa Williams as the damsel-in-distress, Lee Cullen does a superb job with her character, I always thought she was one solid actress. The wonderful James Caan is perfect as the US Marshal Robert DeGuerin. He carries off the subtle air of authority and power perfectly. Then we have the great James Coburn - the actor, that if this film was made in the sixties or seventies, would have been a great John Kruger - who still has a strong persona when he appears on the screen. Even though it's a small role he was perfectly cast.

Even the secondary actors give their all, especially Robert Pastorelli who plays wiseguy Johnny Casteleone, Nick Chinlund as Agent Calderon, and Danny Nucci as Deputy Monroe. If you check out the cast list you'll see some names and faces you'll recognise. All of them are first-class actors and actresses.

The writers, Tony Puryear, Walon Green, and Michael S Chernuchin, give the audience a winding and twisting tale of politics, greed, and gun running. This is kept light by the humour, which is peppered throughout - usually coming in the guise of Kruger's retorts - or the over the top action sequences. For example, the parachute versus plane sequence. This begins with a cool and witty comeback from Kruger. Which, leads to him exiting the plane only to find it's turned around and is about to run him down. Now we know this is ludicrous and preposterous, though with thanks to Director Charles Russell's skill it's entertaining, exciting, and played for laughs. At the end of this, we have further comic dialogue, this time between Kruger and a couple of kids. It's the humour that alleviates the silliness of the whole sequence...

...oh, and the great crocodile scene... AWESOME!

Hat's off to the special effects guys also as the crocs look and move realistically. I loved the effect of the air-ripple when the new rifle is fired.

What everybody gives us in this film is pure fun wrapped around a good story.

If you want a slice of escapism theatre then do yourselves a favour and watch this film. At the moment it's doing the rounds on the ITV channels in the UK. I would also say it may be worth getting a copy just to lift you out of any blues you may find yourself in. It's not a great film but it is definitely one worth watching.
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