Dung-heap In The Garden
17 September 2019
This was truly an exercise in futility and fairly pretentious to boot. The most annoying thing was the start of the movie where a young woman is dropped off to meet her boyfriend at a forest in a foreign country by some dodgy random taxi driver, given some tape and told to find her way through a forest in the middle of nowhere to meet her boyfriend lol This prepares the viewer for the utter monotony and crass film making that is to come.

What also annoyed me is that it looks like a forest in Canada somewhere with the log cabins and not the real Aokigahara Forest which even if you did not know what it looks like this location evoked none of the setting of the real place that movies like the brilliant Sea Of Trees or even The Forest gives to the viewer.

The story itself for what it is consists of very little except throwing Pamela Anderson into the mix and giving the obligatory nude scene to fill the monotony of it all. Why can we not have the majority of the money spent on a good story, set locations, effects and give some decent; perhaps unknown aspiring actors a chance instead of blowing the load on Z-list actors so that their names appear on the Poster or Dvd sleeve to attract the unwary viewers - I note in the credits that even some of the money was spent on a personal driver and security for Ms Anderson lol What a joke!

This is a real dung-heap of a movie from the stilted and wooden acting to the minimal plot and terrible direction, even the photography is woeful and they fill and pad every scene with smoking of cigarettes; i almost thought it was an advert for Marlboro.

Avoid this at all costs - I really should have known when I saw Pamela Anderson in the credit list but I gave it a chance as I am interested in the lore of the Aokigahara Forest but sadly there is none of the atmosphere of the movies that have been set there in the past or any tension at all.
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