back to the bar
22 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Civil war hero Abrose Bierce disappears as he tries to join Pancho Villa's revolution. He boards a stagecoach with fellow passengers, John and Mary Newlie. Johnny Madrid escapes the hangman and takes along the hangman's daughter Esmeralda with the help of gunwoman Reece who really wants to learn from Madrid. The various groups gather at a mysterious bar run by Razor Charlie (Danny Trejo).

The franchise returns to the bar and that's a very good thing. This is a prequel and that's not unusual. The story is muddled due to all the various characters and the different groups. It does get better as the groups gather at the bar after half of the movie. There are some inferior monster makeup and questionable pre-2000 CGI but that stuff is alright. I still like the bar and the final reveal of the pyramid. I just need a character to hang my hat on. I also don't understand Abrose seeing his double. I don't understand his opening. There's a lot I don't understand about that character.
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