Flowers and Trees(1932) Review
14 November 2019
Flowers and Trees is another early 30's Disney short cartoon. The basic setup is the sun rises and trees and flowers awake for a new day of adventures. A young fertile male tree proceeds to court and hopefully mate with a young fertile female tree and then an old dead tree tries to burn down the forest because he's old and dead, or something. He should've just called AARP.

This short does not hold up as well compared to other shorts. It feels like a different studio than Disney created this one. The animations are basic, the backgrounds static and life-less. Almost as if one background plate was used for the whole thing. The characters are depicted as humans in tree form. Something is a miss. The tone is off or the story needs re-worked.

The characters seem too simple for Disney, not going that extra mile. The flowers are flowers, not characters. The trees seem static in expression, even though they move in ways real trees never will be able too. The male tree looks like a different species than the female. They could not possibly mate. They are going to have a really sad wedding night. Somebody should've told them.

The baddie in this feels too on the nose and goofy. I'm searching for some sort of memorable thing about this that will make it enjoyable these days. Its just an old cartoon about trees and flowers.

Best Scene: None

Worst Scene: Wedding Bells

The story ends with the tree getting one one knee (do trees have knees?) and then marrying the female tree. Cue flowers playing bell sounds and you are shocked back into the dreary real-life realization that you will forever be single. Thanks Disney.

Best Actor: None

Worst Actor: Female Tree

She pretty much stands around and shakes her hips (do trees have hips?). She sports a big tree afro for some reason. She does nothing really besides looking pretty waiting for that golden ticket called marriage.

Improvements: This is a wash. Just start over.

  • Interesting premise.
  • Music is nice.
  • Forrest fire.

  • Boring characters.
  • Does not feel Disney.
  • Poor quality animation and backgrounds.

Final Grade: D
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