Extremely biased and partial. Goes soft on meat industry.
13 December 2019
I am a meat eater, at least 4 days worth of meal consists of meat. I don't do it for protein or anything nutrition. I eat because I love the taste. But then I used to be a smoker too. Every bite of meat I take, every cigarette puff I used to draw I had the realization of what I am putting in my body. I don't call myself lion of the jungle or claim to have superior diet than vegetarians.

In the end, when I have skin issues, heart issues, liver problems and I go see a doctor the first thing he/she asks me to cut down on is meat. Or restrict it entirely in some cases. At first I changed my doctor. Now I am at a point where I need to change myself. Even if meat is superior, you're not getting a pure meat from anywhere these days, unless you're raising cattle and butchering then eating. Your meat is pumped with antibiotics and steroids which is definitely not doing you any good.

Lastly, I only pretend to care about environment. I drive an SUV and don't really do much of energy saving or reducing carbon footprint. But then again I am aware of what I am doing. I try and cut down wherever it's not any inconvenience for me. Even if it is 5%.

Point being, crying propaganda makes you more of a sheep than a lion. Do yourself a favor, if you wanna continue to eat meat, at least own up to the damage you're doing to yourself, society and the planet.
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