Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008 Video)
The movie is, in general, good... but the 'politics are bad' idea is too naive
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The general idea of the movie is good and some ideas in particular are well developed:
  • the imperialism and the 'corporatocracy' (thanks John Perkins).
  • the world financial system.
  • the relation between the US State and the FED.

However, I find many issues:

1) There are some naive, false (and even dangerous) ideas like:
  • 'Politicians are all corrupt'.
  • 'Politicians are useless'.
  • 'True problems in life are technical, not political'.
  • 'Reject the political system'.
Why I say this? Because this 'bad' political system gave birth some pro-people-politicians (not pro-imperialism) like Jacobo Árbenz, Jaime Roldós, Omar Torrijos, Saddam Husein and Hugo Chávez... I mean, come on... EVEN THIS MOVIE shows them. If they were 'useless', then why most of them were killed? Certainly not because they were 'useless'. They weren't pro-imperialism, that's why. If 'true problems in life are technical, not political', then (again) then why most of them were killed? The answer is the same: because they were pro-people, not pro-imperialism. That's why. Put it together, please! One thing or another... but not both at the same time!

Furthermore, if 'there is a group of people who run the world who does not allow people to take the power', then there is no point of doing anything at all... I mean, why would you try to do something if there is someone above you who doesn't allow to implement your idea? For many time, Árbenz in Guatemala proved that statement false... such as Roldós in Ecuador... such as Torrijos in Panamá... such as Hussein in Iraq... such as Chávez in Venezuela...

"The Venus Project" appears to be interesting, but how would it be implemented dispense with both politics and politicians?

2) Seems like we, the people, are all stupid and, hence, guilty for our ignorance... So, the blame is on the people? Really? Let me give you an advice: if you want to change people's behavior, you get nothing by calling them 'stupids' or things like that. It's not really effective...

3) The 'no State' final objective (developed in 'The Venus Project' proposal: 'the State does nothing becasue there's no State') is very similar from the Rumsfeld-Cebrowski strategy... That coincidence must ring any bells.
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