Dracula: The Dark Compass (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Did the writers give up half way through?
9 January 2020
The big twist at the end of Ep2 sets things up nicely for this episode and, to be fair, it starts pretty well.

Claes Bang is given room to own the role, and shines in the first half. The home invasion / fridge contents segment is classic Gatis/Moffat with a bit of John Carpenter thrown in.

Secret organisations, re-incarnation and Sherlock-style humour offer intrigue and excitement. The production, music, cinematography, it's all good. There's a scene half-way through, where Dracula, silhouetted against blood-red lighting, eyes up a potential victim while she dances. As he grins fiendishly, you realise, Dracula is back and here to stay.

Then, it all just falls apart. It's as though the show-makers just ran out of time or energy or both. Like they couldn't decide where to take it. For the first time in the series, it becomes boring. Pointless. It morphs into some commentary on narcissism and you end up praying for it to end before it can get any worse.

You can almost see it in the actor's eyes, who despite their incredible talent, fail to make the awful writing seem good. When it's over, it is hard to imagine a second series is on the cards, and that's a real shame, because for two-and-a-half episodes, this was TV gold.
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