Meta-Level Observation and Contemplation on the Creation of Life As We Know It.
1 March 2020
Not interested in posting prolix commentary laden with iambic pentameter. And neither does this movie. It's amazing what perplex story can be presented with an obviously low budget. That alone garners my respect. I would call it an observation on the human condition, presented in the framework of something like a "creation story" general enough to fit a biblical, pagan, or Taoist ideology. It makes no apologies for its raw imagery and innuendos. But it need not so, as any keen observer will be hard pressed to proffer up criticism against it, as it reeks of truth. The story does a good job at pushing your buttons - but to transcend rather than provoke (should your mind stay strong and patient enough for this realization to occur). It is shocking, though accomplished without today's overdone shock value attempts. It is disgusting, yet within beauty. Any sadness it provokes matures into a state of yugen. Very simple scenes and speech belie the unspoken communication within. I highly recommend it. But not while you're eating a rare steak. And seriously folks, it's not kid-safe.
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