Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Emissary (1993)
Season 1, Episode 1
A thoughtful introduction to a very different star trek series.
8 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot that needs to be established in a good pilot and I feel that DS9 did an excellent job laying down the foundation of what the show is about.

Here's what the pilot established: Sisko is the emissary and is haunted by his traumatic life events, Kira is a kicking bajoran who doesn't hold back her feelings and doesn't like starfleets involvement in bajorian affairs, Odo is a grumpy shapeshifter who doesn't know his origins, Dax is a hot trill and a highly skilled scientist, Obrien is a gruff engineer who can solve mechanical issues by kicking computers, Bashir is a teenager but also a highly trained Starfleet doctor, Bajor is in political turmoil, Bajorans are highly religious and who can blame them? The 'god's talk to them and give them flashbacks! The Cardassians shoot first and ask questions later, the prophets have no concept of linear time and they are responsible for the worm hole.

I like this episodes quite a bit. Specifically I enjoyed the parts with Sisko and Prophets. One of the aspects of trek that I have always enjoyed is when it tackles personal/political/social problems and we start out the entire series with an episode that digs into the effects of PTSD and we get a very trek moment of Sisko being the diplomat; trying to understand this new species.

There is a lot more that I could go into but this episode did a fine job of establishing the characters and universe this setting takes place in.
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