Money Heist (2017–2021)
A fair review among many extremes
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I rate this show an 8, not for its quality, but because when I watched it I undeniably enjoyed the action and romance. It reminded me a lot of Breaking Bad/Dexter in the sense that it was an endless mistake/fix mistake/mistake/fix mistake loop where we are hoping the main character, el profesor, doesn't get caught and identified.

Before I list some stuff (because a lot of reviews did a far better job than me of listing flaws and plot holes in depth) I want to mention that this show might've been better if instead of filming it as the robbery happening, then the occaisonal flashbacks, they should've opened with the robbery first episode then spent a season going through how they planned it, then the next the execution of the robbery, then the next the boiling point/being caught or whatever. I think that directing approach would've made it better because the bits-and-pieces we get of flashbacks, yes are well placed throughout, but make us not really relate to the characters as much. I fell that should've been built upon first.

As for the flaws, I have a hard time believing any police force, unless amature, would mess up this much. The whole thing with Angel leaving voivemails that were coincidentally delivered everywhere except where it counts was super fake. The fact the profesor had a chance to fix each of those mistakes is unlikely, like he would have to physically be in so many places at once to do that and it doesn't add up. The main girl, tokyo, had no place in that team. She's super erratic and never used logic once. I don't know what the profesor saw in her that would help them considering he's so smart. The shoot downs between police and thieves didn't make sense. They were always injured everywhere except fatal organs and how the hell did tokyo get in with that bike? It made no sense, like they missed everything on her, not even a tire was grazed by a force of trained ops.

What I like though were the love-triangles, the actors played well (except for some side characters like Ariadne and also Tokyo). Me and my boyfriend have so far enjoyed binging it very much. I haven't enjoyed a show like this in a while (relative to others) but it is far from perfect. I'm also usually someone who doesn't watch American trash movies and brainless tv-shows. This isn't American but it had the essence of the filmography Hollywood does.

I have to be fair and this is what I thought looking from the bad and good sides.
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