Slightly weaker than the remake
3 April 2020
Halfway One Million Years B.C. (1966) I have discovered that it was a remake of this 1940 movie. Opened up unexpectedly, set in the real time it showed a group of travellers who got into a cave to wait for the rain to stop and found all of those ancient paintings on the cave walls about the life of prehistoric people. The beginning was promising but further into the film I realized that it loses in almost every little detail to the remake: poorer set design, hilariosly bad creatures, slightly less realistic plot and character development, sometimes overly long action. The only good things I can name about this movie are the scene of the volcano eruption and better soundtrack but as with the remake there's not much to talk about after this movie is over. One Million B.C. is also just another plotless spectacle of a movie and nothing more.
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