Laughs of the Werewolf
4 April 2020
There's no doubt that any Horror fan has seen everything that there is to offer from 'Legend of the Werewolf'; and seen it done better in many films predating and post-dating it's release. Everything that is except for a comedy role performance from Peter Cushing, I have to say that for me this was a remarkable viewing experience! In what is essentially a comedy-horror werewolf film that is both intentionally and unintentionally funny Cushing gives a nicely balanced turn with a reserved tongue half in cheek almost all the way through until the necessary melodramatics of the films climax.

In any other way this film is a poor relation to its bedfellow 'The Ghoul', which is not itself a good film but is of a consistently better overall standard than this effort from the same producers, director and star Peter Cushing.

The comedic highlights of 'Legends of the Werewolf' however elevate it's best moments somewhat higher.

Otherwise it has bland characters, poorly defined and moderately played. Also lax writing and unconvincing production design hinder it's attempt to convince and engage.

The makeup department do reasonably with the werewolf but practical special effects and makeup for the dead and dying are less good.

Sadly the director does what he can with such badly arranged ideas, essentially the film doesn't seem to bother to explain how or why it's werewolf actually IS a werewolf, at least as far as I could tell, but there's a limit to what a director can add when writing and production are underweight.

I rate 4/10 and that is because of the scenes with Peter Cushing giving an understated comedic performance in a more unusual character for him. Otherwise I would have strictly considered this a 3 rating.
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