Beyond Desire (1995)
9 April 2020
Loved this old school crime flick in all it's pure 90's Low-budget B-movie charm!!! Here in England this Gem is known as The Last American Elvis, rather than Beyond Desire but both names are cool in my opinion. The always great yet very underrated William Forsythe is great here in a rare lead role as a charismatic, charming & rugged ex-con named Ray Patterson who has just gotten out of prison after serving 14 years for a murder he didn't commit. As soon as Ray is released he gets mixed up with a beautiful & mysterious lady of the night called Rita played by Kari Wuher, a strong performance & her evil boss played by Leo Rossi & wants to find the person who set him up. I really liked IT'S pulp fiction feel & look to it all, especially with William Forsythe dressed in a black suit with a white shirt, very Tarantino style & thoughts of Reservoir Dogs & Desperado came to mind as well as From Dusk Till Dawn & i think William Forsythe would've made the perfect Seth Gecko & wouldn't wiped the floor with Clooney in my opinion. This fun flick is also a nice time Capsule of the 90's DTV erotic Thriller material that filled up many shelves at the video store, great memories of a now lost time.

This B-movie Gem is proper pulp & felt like the type of twisty-mystery Crime Thriller that Tarantino would love & Forsythe's Ray could even walk into a Tarantino film & fit in fine!!! Forsythe's performance is Excellent here & shows what a fantastic actor he is & yet still underrated & looked at as just another "Character Actor" but he's one of my favourites of all time!!! For other great Forsythe roles check out Things to do in denver when you're dead, The Substitute, The Rock, Direct Hit, The Devil's Rejects & many more. The Last American Elvis is a Las Vegas set dusty Crime Thriller that's got all the ingredients of the Classic pulp flicks or Novels, a bag a cash & an ex-con, a framed man, A beautiful mysterious lady, a Crime boss & plenty of Erotic sex scenes & shootouts!!! Pure pulp B-movie fun with a great soundtrack too!!!
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