The Big Punch (1948)
G-d Works In Mysterious Ways
11 April 2020
Wayne Morris is a former boxer turned minister. When he shows up at a local boxing match, his words impress pugilist Gordon Macrae. Macrae comes to Morris and asks for help starting a new life, which is given gladly. Macrae goes to work at the local bank, where Lois Maxwell, Morris' frustrated love interest, works. Macrae has a secret: he's hiding from a frame job as a murderer in New York. Nonetheless, things seem to be going well until Macrae's old manager and girlfriend show up and tell him that unless he helps them steal from the bank where he is working, they'll tell the cops where he is.

It's a very low-key movie, with hints of humor hiding in Morris' performance. I did not find it particularly compelling. Still, as I have noted in other reviews, I have no faith in any higher power, and so the vaguely religious and secular issues that a small-town pastor deals with are not of any great interest to me.
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