Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Manhunt (2001)
Season 2, Episode 18
The un-remorseful manhunt
23 April 2020
As much as Stabler and Olivia are great characters and as much as their chemistry is such a big part of prime-'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit's' appeal, it is always welcome when an episode centres around a different character or a different partnership and the show showed many times when it did so that a different focus could work. Centering around Munch and Fin and their evolving partnership, "Manhunt" is proof of that.

To me, "Manhunt" is one of the highlights of Season 2. It showcases both Munch and Fin so well and absolutely loved how they worked together. It is one of the season's most tension-filled episodes and has one of the show's most chilling villains ever in my view. The Canadian authorities' handling of the case is frustrating in a way, but not unrealistically so and it does create some tense conflict. Plus without it we wouldn't have one of Cabot's most satisfying moments ever.

Munch, his humour and dryness stole scenes numerous times throughout his time on the show, and Fin, "Manhunt" continuing the second half's success in making him more interesting and growing in development, are both on top form. Both are the same Munch and Fin that one loves, Munch's character writing is classic Munch and Fin really was starting to come into his own as a character. They work, and bicker, so well together, providing much tension and amusing wit. One also sees development to them and sees how the case affects him, with it being visibly very hard for Munch.

It is hard to think of anybody else that would fit the role of Munch better than Richard Belzer and Ice-T has not only settled very well but has come into his own properly here. Stephanie March is suitably icy as Cabot, and her persuading the authorities to extradite on a lesser charge was one of her most satisfying moments and a clever piece of writing on the writers' part. R.E. Rodgers is unforgettable as one truly evil character with no redeeming qualities, to terrifying effect too (his stare alone gives me the heebie jeebies).

Furthermore, the case really keeps one guessing throughout and has some genuinely chilling tension and the chemistry and exchanges between Munch and Fin keeps things serious while with enough levity to stop it from being overly so. Especially towards the end, and the outcome is one that couldn't have been more appropriate. "Manhunt" is tautly and thoughtfully scripted, especially in the banter with Munch and Fin and that aforementioned scene with Cabot. The production values are slick as usual and the music fits the atmosphere well.

Overall, fantastic and one of Season 2's best. 10/10
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