Review of Motive

Motive (2013–2016)
Why Hide It
26 April 2020
Thing that bothers me about the series why don't they tell us it's Canada! So many tip offs it not the USA. Two maybe three black cops. USA most of PD's black. USA cops don't wear visor caps or tunics-they do in Canada. Never see the flag-no Maple Leaf or stars and Stripes it's Canada! Why couldn't they be like Davinci's Inquest.Canada all over the place! Though this has better exteriors than DI.Why did they go for kinda generic city style. ABC still canceled them anyway.Was it to much Canada? Well I like my shows that show Americans what our northern neighbors police dramas look like just don't be too low budget. And could somebody tell Kristin to stop wandering all over with the camera when she does the directing!
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