Some interest and enjoyment
3 May 2020
By and large good acting and script, although an army widow finding herself without any military income might seem a bit unreal. Churchy, but not too preachy, it explores starting out on the false premise that God is supposed to be micromanaging the whole show-if thing go wrong is it ineptitude by a caring manager, unconcern by an uncaring manager, punishment by an angry one, etc? On the other hand, if he is semi-interventionalist (philosophically sound), then the swings and roundabouts of life might often be merely cause & effect within nature, helped or hindered by our attitudes to life.

Philosophically a few might find the polytheism of some of the prayer & singing (the 'our-type-of-god' syndrome) a bit irksome. A largely satisfying film, however, with elements of self-sacrifice for others, and of self-insularity as a protective shielding (to love is to be vulnerable). And how hard a child can be to a parent who thinks they mean well, but don't realise they are drowning and dragging down their child when human affection has become demonic! The film has a feel good factor and a think through factor, but numerous holes.
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