Until We Meet Again (2019–2020)
Surprisingly Interesting But Lacking in the Story department
6 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Thai BL series are a guilty pleasure of mine and anyone who watches them knows they're generally not very good objectively speaking. Until We Meet Again was a surprise, however. Cartoonish slapstick humour and sound effects are far too common in Thai shows but this one hardly makes use of any of that.

The show follows Pharm and Dean, two young men who slowly discover that they are the reincarnated Intouch and Korn, a same sex couple that committed double suicide after their families' failure to accept them. The show opens with Korn and In's suicide which is depicted in such a way as to bring viewers to tears.

The acting in this show is, in my opinion and in comparison to other shows in the genre, absolutely phenomenal. Pharm stands out, delivering a very believable performance. The conversations between Pharm and his two friends feel very realistic sometimes and are quite entertaining.

When Pharm and Dean begin to realise who they are and what promises they made to each other in their past lives, one can't help but be on the edge of their seat fighting back tears.

Then it goes downhill somewhat. The two meet and 'recognise' each other about a third of the way through the show's 17 episodes and then the show fails to introduce any real conflict after that. It slowly devolves into a series of long soulful stares and obvious revelations along with far too many flashbacks.

There are a few side characters and we learn very little about them and their own relationships and they even disappear for a while in the later episodes. Pharm breaking down and crying, something which was really moving in the earlier episodes, becomes tiresome and even annoying later on when he literally cries in every other scene.

There are about 15 minutes of In and Korn in total and these are shown over and over and over again. We are made to watch the suicide scene at least five times.

Great concept, beautiful cast, great acting but it seems whoever wrote the show went 'what if we make a show about reincarnated lovers' and then forgot to actually write a complete story around the idea.

Loved the idea, enjoyed most of the show but it would've been nice to have a bit more of a story somewhere in there, especially considering the fact that the show is 17 episodes long.
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