Mythic Quest: Quarantine (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
QUARANTINE: A slightly mixed bag, but an overall successful distraction
22 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really see the point of MYTHIC QUEST doing a virtual episode, but they could, so they did, and the result was mostly good, with some gripes.


Likely my favourite part of the episode, QUARANTINE showcases Poppy's struggle with loneliness. Initially, she's just grinding away at work because it gives her a sense of purpose, but when all her work is done and David and Ian both say that she should stop working and take a break, she really can't handle it. It's not all doom and gloom, though, and one of the most heartwarming moments of the series thus far sees a genuinely, (hopefully) selflessly concerned Ian visit Poppy and give her a shoulder to cry on. It's a great resolution to a sad plotline, and showcases some excellent development from not only the notoriously narcissistic Ian, but from the never-ever-let-yourself-be-vulnerable Poppy as well.


A significantly weaker, but still entertaining sideplot is the facial hair bet between David and Brad. I have issues with the way this plot is set up: David's proposition of the bet feels spontaneous and somewhat forced; Brad's initial aversion to the $100,000 donation feels kind of pointless - David is still the boss, right? Brad can dislike the idea, but if David says it happens, then doesn't it still have to happen? He'd rather shave off his facial hair and eyelashes than overrule his Scrooge McDuck employee? It doesn't really make sense to me. An odd start aside, this plotline, featuring David and Brad facing off in Street Fighter, is pretty fun, and nothing more.


My biggest problem with not only this episode, but the show as a whole, is the whole plotline with Dana, Rachel, and eventually Lou. I won't go into detail about my every overall gripe with them and their stories, but I will say that their plotline in MYTHIC QUEST is so much massively weaker than any other in the entire series due to poor writing and even poorer acting. This episode, however, was probably their best yet (though, of course, that's not saying much), as it actually showcased a relationship that wasn't just Dana-does-nothing-Rachel-is-enamored-Lou-is-gross. Camera tricks for sharing snacks leads to them actually having a decent time - until, of course, Strawman Lou says there should be less women, for absolutely no reason, completely undercutting the scene. However, this plot did lead to the finale of the episode, where everyone in the office gets together in an online video meeting in order to do one large faux Rube Goldberg machine in order for Dana to eat a chip. It's over-the-top and silly, and joyful and triumphant, and it feels like a great way to wrap up this special episode of MYTHIC QUEST.


There are other, more minor plotlines in this episode that I didn't feel like going over, but overall, this quarantine special of MYTHIC QUEST was pretty good, with nice moments of heart and decent moments of humour to go along with. It's not the great step up I was hoping the show would make after the good first season, but maybe that jump will come in season 2. For now, this and the previous 9 episodes will be enough to tide me over if I ever crave more.
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