Review of Balloon Land

Balloon Land (1935)
Generally credited with instigating the Anti-Vaxxer Movement . . .
22 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . BALLOON LAND features the ultimate Boogie Man of every Ditsy Blonde "Influencer:" Pin-Cushion Man! This scintillating villain seems to harbor an infinite supply of ultra-sharp hypodermic needles, which he doles out indiscriminately as he harpoons the Youth of BALLOON LAND like a Mad Pediatrician. Worse yet, when each pointed jab finds its mark it inflicts instant death upon the recipient. No Right-Thinking Mom could view BALLOON LAND, and then seriously consider inoculating her kiddies against smallpox, rabies, The Plague or Elephantiasis in order to gain their entrance into a Public School. As Chuck Heston always said, "Better dead than red with needle marks!" Fortunately, BALLOON LAND's irrational Needle Haters live upon a Flat Earth, allowing these benighted Luddites to live happily ever after, as they simply force Pin-Cushion Man off the edge of their Medieval World. This outcome provides at least some short-term solace to the Stone Age Bunch, until the song "Pop Goes the Weasel" catches on!
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