Review of Run

Run (III) (2019)
Darkly realistic fish town gem with a glimpse of light in the future.
4 June 2020
Most scenes are literally dark but street and car lights provide metaphorical shafts of brightness throughout.It gives the impression that the sea port of Fraserburgh is a uniquely insulated area however the story whilst brutally realistic in many respects is also insightful and poignant. The car race is amazingly professional with unexpected sharp-intake-of-breath-hair-raising scenes. The young local actor Scott Murray is refreshing and natural. He provides light-hearted amusement with his best line being a plaintive voice calling from upstairs, "Dad we've run out of lavvy roll." slang for toilet paper. Mark Stanley, is authentic and grasps the strong local dialect whilst effectively portraying the mundane, gruelling existenceof a fish-filleter. Graham captures the boy-racers' time honoured rendezvous at the 'Flaggy' and almost tragically refers to the only night club in town. His raw perception of small town culture is revealing with its depiction of a dead-end repetitive lifestyle which the main character, in his youth, had every intention to run from. Yet even though he can foresee his life choices being replayed by his son the film ended beautifully with an illuminating realization and ray of hope. Definitely worth watching.
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