Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Emissary (1993)
Season 1, Episode 1
A Backstory Heavy Pilot Episode
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In "Emissary", the pilot of DS9, we explore the outpost known as Deep Space Nine, under new command and new control under Commander Sisko and the Federation respectively. With the retreat of the Cardassians from Bajoran space, a power vacuum has been created that the Federation has been asked to occupy in the interim. When a stablized wormhole is discovered near DS9, the Bajorans and Federation see it as a golden opportunity for science and trade. As Sisko and company attempt to rebuild the old jalopy, the Cardassians try to gain control of this new wormhole.

I respect what the show is trying to do so I give it the benefit of a doubt. I know a lot of people adore this show and its serialized nature which is uncommon to the Star Trek universe. As far as the pilot episode goes though, they just cram way too much exposition and plot into this. It's a real tough spoonful to swallow but it is behind us now so hopefully all the character beats and plot foreshadowing we get here pays off in the future. Sometimes just cramming it all in and getting it over with is better in the long haul anyways... It doesn't make for an engaging 90 minutes of television though.
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