Not worth the money
5 July 2020
Those of you bored by the lack of movies out at the moment might be tempted to take a punt on this indie war film. The cover looks quite good, there's battles and tanks and loads of action.

Don't judge a movie by it's cover. Never has saying been more true. The tank on the cover? Not in the movie. The war ravaged buildings on the cover? Not in the movie. The barbed wire fences on the cover? Not in the movie. The soldiers running through battles? Not in the movie. You get the picture.

This is a disappointing movie. Instead of "this is hell on earth" the tagline should have been "a walk in the countryside".

I could go on about the bad props, the mismatching uniforms, the terrible British and American accents, the anachronisms, the fact that none of the soldiers know how to use their weapons, they have guns with infinite ammo, weak editing, poor directing, etc. but you would be as bored as I was watching the movie.
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