Review of $

$ (1971)
10 August 2020
Joe Collins (Warren Beatty) is a security expert working for a bank in Hamburg. Dawn Divine (Goldie Hawn) is a hooker. Together, they are tracking various criminals and plan to steal their money being stored in the bank's safe deposit boxes.

It takes about thirty minutes before Warren and Goldie sit down and explain what they are doing. It needs to be sooner. They need to do a crime board with the various criminals. The caper needs more clarity earlier. One has to keep track of a lot of characters. I never had a full handle on everyone. At some point, I relaxed and let it go. The caper is a bit fun. Gert Fröbe injects a good deal of light joy in the proceedings. The flaw in the caper is that the criminals could easily assume that Joe is the one who stole from them. They don't have to go to the police. They just have to pull out fingernails. That's the least reasonable part of the movie. Joe should be their first suspect and that's when the fingernails start getting pulled. The tension is not raised that high when the audience has to wait for the bad guys to catch up to a normal person.
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