ONE THIRD OF A NATION refers to the nefarious . . .
14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . "Core Supporters" (aka, "The Base") who carry the infernal mutation making them highly susceptible to demonic possession (threatening their very own survival, as well as the safety and happiness of everyone around them) by the perfidious Pachyderm Party. "Mary" is the representative Fifth Columnist Traitor featured here. The only thing Mary is good as is cutting slack. Mary cuts New York City multi-generation-bred slum lord scion "Peter" slack over her "home" death trap's blocked sewage drains and vermin-infested interior kindling in which she and everyone she knows scrapes out a "living," and by which Peter finances his limousines, mansion, yacht and this World's version of the "Good Life." Mary cuts Peter even more slack when he turns her only little brother "Joey" into a lame suicidal psycho killer arsonist. Finally, Mary cuts Peter a final swath of slack when she falls off her rocker to hallucinate a "happy ending." Real Life recently has shown all of America the tragedy of allowing ONE THIRD OF A NATION to put a Corrupt Communist Capitalist New York City slum lord in charge of anything!
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