Criminal Minds: Saturday (2020)
Season 15, Episode 4
Sitcom Minds
16 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Is this a joke? Why this is a sitcom episode with Criminal Minds characters in it? Nobody watch the show for that!

Quick summary of the "plots" this episode deals:
  • Rossi and Matt talk about finances for Matt's new baby and the wife gives birth to the said baby,
  • Prentiss try to convince a conspiracy theorist neighbor not to sue her,
  • Reid decided goes to the park trying to be human (?) and the tin man finds love,
  • Garcia tries to hunt one of the million people that harass other people online.
  • Luke, Tara and JJ lounge in the BAU doing whatever when they feel like.

Do you see something missing here? Yes, the crime, the serial killer, I think the show writers were taking a vacation too. This episode totally throws in the trash the show format and purpose to rather focus in soap opera dramas, it feels like the screenwriters got bored of the show and decided to write anything else to pass time.

They also try too much to appeal to young people in a very condescending way: people making a lot sexual innuendos (deepthroat, swing, threesome ...), forced and uncharacteristical comedy. Pretiss quoting a meme (hold my beer), talking about incels, twitch streamers, gamers, homophobia and whatnot in a very shallow way and presenting a silly cartoonish character (Emily's neighbor).

In this episode everyone uses FBI building as their playground, they hold a innocent young guy in detention for fun because they didn't liked him, they use the FBI building as site to host a hackaton party and also uses as a place to have personal meetings. Reid try to use his badge to circumvent the law and turns into a 'robot who wants to find love'... anyway, there is so much stupid and irrelevant things going on in here that doesn't even worth the effort to point.

The thing is, Criminal Minds it's a long lasting show with a lot that was constructed to perfect the formula, it always been respectable, with a very dark and threatening tone, if you are going to pull a complete 180 and turn it into the opposite just end the show and make a spin-off of it but do not ruin the atmosphere and story buit, you know, what made it work so far. Criminal Minds was never meant to be a show about adults raising babies, meeting people in parks and messing around with cyber bullies, this works with Sitcoms... what it's going on here?

Like the real BAU would say: "This unsub it's shifting its MO I think he is devolving"
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