Unique coming-of-age story for teenger Nola. If biological family doesn't work out then find your logical family.
19 August 2020
Young Nola (Sabrina Carpenter) and her dad basically travel out west and live in their old VW van. He works odd jobs to earn some cash and he teaches his daughter the ways of life. She was named after the city (New Orleans) and they hope to get there at some point. She never knew her mother who left when Nola was a baby and she hopes to someday track her down.

When things take a big turn and Nola finds herself alone with the van she has to make a whole new plan, including befriending an auto shop owner and working for him for a time to pay for towing and van repairs. When she finds her mom she learns the whole story, she may have been abandoned but at least she was allowed to live. Striking out alone again she finds a traveling group of van owners, this might be her logical family.

This is mostly a quiet movie but a good character study. We had not heard of Sabrina Carpenter before but she is really good in the role, all 5' 1" of her. I found out later she is an accomplished singer and songwriter, maybe we will see more of her.

My wife and I watched it at home on DVD from our public library.
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