Birds of Prey (2020)
All of the negative reviews are well deserved
31 August 2020
I feel ive been conned since the trailer looked so cool. When I heard this did really badly on the box office I naively bought the dvd thinking it can't be that bad. Boy was I wrong. Had I known that this was produced by Margot Robbie who also starred in it, I wouldn't have bothered because this is always an awful combination. What an earth does Margot Robbie know about producing a film? She's far too young. It was also written by a women, I know the media were claiming that no one wanted to see this because it was written, produced and starred mainly women, but the reality is, and I say this as a women myself, that women just can't write for sh't. It's sexist but it's true. I could have easily mistaken birds of prey for a netflix original because it was so poor, and I get the feeling it'll soon be one of those films available for free on prime. With the idiotic dialog that could have been written by a hyperactive 8 year old, Christina Hodson has brought shame on herself and should never be allowed near a film crew ever again. To top things off this was so dull and miserable, it is saw this at the bottom cinema I would have walked out. It felt very juvenile but at the same time it had gory violence and constant swearing. Who is this for exactly? Too violent and sweary for children. Too stupid for adults. Not sexy enough for men. I cheered when it was finally over.
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